Chinese vanadium pentoxide flake prices up stably

Date: Mar 15, 2018

BEIJING (Asian Metal) 15 Mar 18 – Affected by environmental inspections, some Chinese vanadium pentoxide flake producing enterprises shut down, leading to more severe tight supply of raw material vanadium pentoxide flake, so small and medium vanadium pentoxide flake producing enterprises began raising offers in advance. Currently, mainstream prices for Chinese vanadium pentoxide flake 98%min are RMB189,000-192,000/t (USD13.86-14.08/lb V) EXW D/A six months, up by RMB4,000/t (USD0.29/lb V) from last week. Besides, as prices in international vanadium market rose rapidly, suppliers held strong intentions to support price increase and hold back from selling, so prices for Chinese vanadium pentoxide flake are expected to keep stable uptrend in the coming week.

A producer in South China said, “Our company is mainly delivering concluded orders now and has no stocks for sale temporarily. If customers make purchases, the bottom price we can accept stands at RMB190,000/t (USD13.94/lb V) EXW D/P. Now prices in international vanadium market are far higher than those in domestic market, so I expect that prices for Chinese vanadium pentoxide flake would move up rapidly in the coming week.” The source disclosed that they received many enquiries from consumers in recent two weeks, while the highest price for vanadium pentoxide flake 98%min from consumers just stood at RMB185,000/t (USD13.57/lb V) EXW D/P which was far lower than the offer, so the deal was not concluded finally.

With capacity of 1,800tpy, the source produced 90t of the material in February, down by 30t from January, and holds no stocks in hand for the moment.

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