Vanadium price downtrend is irresistible
Date: Nov 22, 2018 Yestarday, TISC bade ferrovanadium at 420000 rmb/ton by acceptance with tax, while the price of vanadium pentoxide is 490000 rmb/ton by cash. Thus, if ferrovanadium manufacturers purchase V2O5 flake, they will face the cost overhang. Some alloy manufacturers process ferrovanadium by using ammonium metavanadate, so the prices of ferrovanadium gradually go down. Vanadium-nitrogen prices follow the downtrend. Most manufacturera quote 720000-730000 rmb/ton and some transaction prices are as low as 700000 rm/ton or below. The transactions of ammonium metavanadate and vanadium pentoxide powder are quite thin, the inquiries sit at low level, and the prices are decreased obviously. Vanadium pentoxide flake prices, underpinned by the the large-scale suppliers, hold firm at 500000 rmb/ton by acceptance with tax.